Joliet Prison pictured above, built in 1858, and closed in 2002 has recently reopened for public tours.
I had a dream that Angela Davis convinced the Donald to buy Joliet and turn it into a B&B. Her argument was compelling: in our carceral state everyone should spend some time in prison. As Waguih Ghali's absurdly self-aware character, Ram, says in the wonderful novel Beer in the Snooker Club: "I wouldn't like to go to prison, but I would like to have been." Of course, most of us aren't as self-aware as Ram, but with some prodding maybe we could be convinced, if only for a night or two.There would have to be an ad campaign: Joliet, sleep -- perchance to dream? Joliet, commune with the Blues Brothers. Put Joliet on your bucket list.
It would be an expensive renovation. Joliet is old, was never in very good shape, and has fallen into disrepair. But the Donald doesn't have any other worthwhile projects at the moment. It wouldn't have to be fancy -- that's the whole point isn't it -- people need the experience of sleeping on a hard bunk, with hardtack en lieu of croissant for breakfast. Those with a Gramsci-complex, or just aspirations for a more ordinary literary career could book longer stays. There are many encouraging precedents of prison inspiration.
Privatization of prisons has already gone too far; it is time to encourage those who have not had prison experience to see what it is like. Maybe this will help create a more humane carceral system.
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